Class: kb.Statistics

Defined in: src/core/

Class Method Summary

Instance Method Summary

Class Method Details

. (void) eventsStats(obj, key)

Constructor Details

# (void) constructor()

Instance Method Details

# (void) clear()

Clear the tracked model events (but keep the registered objects intact)

# (void) addModelEvent(event)

Register a model event

# (void) modelEventsStatsString()

A debug helper to summarize the registered events in human-readable form

# (void) register(key, obj)

Register an object by key

# (void) unregister(key, obj)

Unregister an object by key

# (Integer) registeredCount(type)


  • ( Integer ) — the number of registered objects by type

# (String) registeredStatsString(success_message)

A debug helper to summarize the current registered objects by key


  • success_message ( String ) a message to return if there are no registered objects


  • ( String ) — a human readable string summarizing the currently registered objects or success_message

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