Getting Started with Knockback.js: Dependent Library Basics


Backbone is an amazing Model_View_Controller (MVC)-inspired library that handles data (Model/Collection) synchronization with a RESTful server for Object_Relational_Mapping (ORM), page routing, etc. Unfortunately, their Views become complex to maintain when dynamic Model and View synchronization is required (which is why Knockback exists).

These are the basic Model components from Backbone used by Knockback:
// Model
earth = new Backbone.Model({first_name: 'Planet', last_name: 'Earth'})
mars = new Backbone.Model({first_name: 'Planet', last_name: 'Mars'})

// Collection
planets = new Backbone.Collection([earth, mars])
// Model
var earth = new Backbone.Model({first_name: 'Planet', last_name: 'Earth'});
var mars = new Backbone.Model({first_name: 'Planet', last_name: 'Mars'});

// Collection
var planets = new Backbone.Collection([earth, mars]);
This is a Backbone router that can be used by your app:


class PageRouter extends Backbone.Router
    "earth":    "switchToEarth"     // #earth
    "mars":     "switchToMars"      // #mars

  switchToEarth: -> # do something
  switchToMars: -> # do something

# instantiate the router and start listening for URL changes
page_router = new PageRouter()
var PageRouter = Backbone.Router.extend({
  routes: {
    "earth":    "switchToEarth",     // #earth
    "mars":     "switchToMars"      // #mars

  switchToEarth: function() { /* do something */ },
  switchToMars: function() { /* do something */ }

// instantiate the router and start listening for URL changes
var page_router = new PageRouter()


Knockout follows the Model_View_ViewModel (MVVM) design pattern meaning you specify a ViewModel (Controller) in addition to your data (Model) which encapsulates specific data and logic for your HTML/Template (View).

<div id='ko_basic'>
  <p>First name: <input class='input-small pull-right' data-bind="value: first_name, valueUpdate: 'keyup'" /></p>
  <p>Last name: <input class='input-small pull-right' data-bind="value: last_name, valueUpdate: 'keyup'" /></p>
  <p>Hello, <span data-bind="text: full_name"> </span>!</p>
model = {first_name: "Planet", last_name: "Earth"}

ViewModel = (model) ->
  @first_name = ko.observable(model.first_name)
  @last_name = ko.observable(model.last_name)
  @full_name = ko.computed((->return "#{@first_name()} #{@last_name()}"), @)
view_model = new ViewModel(model)

ko.applyBindings(view_model, $('#ko_basic')[0])
var ko = kb.ko;

var model = {first_name: "Planet", last_name: "Earth"};

var ViewModel = function(model) {
  this.first_name = ko.observable(model.first_name);
  this.last_name = ko.observable(model.last_name);
  this.full_name = ko.computed((function() {return "" + (this.first_name()) + " " + (this.last_name());}), this);

var view_model = new ViewModel(model);

ko.applyBindings(view_model, $('#ko_basic')[0]);

Live Result

First name:

Last name:

Hello, !

Knockout.js ViewModel Injectionstances

In Knockout.js, ViewModels need to be unique instances so often you use a simple function with 'new' to create an instance to bind. Here are some equivalents:

# Form 1: Simple function-based class
ViewModel = (model) ->
  @first_name = ko.observable(model.first_name)

view_model = new ViewModel({first_name: "Hello"})

# Form 2: CoffeeScript class (allows for inheritance)
class ViewModel
  constructor: (model) ->
    @first_name = ko.observable(model.first_name)

view_model = new ViewModel({first_name: "Hello"})
// Simple function-based class
var ViewModel = function(model) {
  this.first_name = ko.observable(model.first_name);

var view_model = new ViewModel({first_name: "Hello"});